Legal notices

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1. Site information:
In compliance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the French law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 regarding trust in the digital economy (Loi pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, L.C.E.N.), we would like to draw the attention of users of the website to the following points:

Legal notices :

Legal status of the site owner: Registered company
Legal form: SAS (limited liability company by shares)
Nom de la Société : Raigi
Adress: 11 rue de la Chpelle - 28310 Rouvray Saint Denis
Tel: +33 2 37 33 30 40
Share capital: € 143,680
SIRET:  712 013 424 00023   R.C.S. CHARTRES : 712 013 424
Numéro TVA intracommunautaire: FR 83 712 013 424
Email address: 
The editor of the site is: Amaury BLIN
The site is published by: Olivier PERRIER
Contact the site publisher: Olivier PERRIER

The Webmaster is: Partick GIRAUD
Contact the webmaster:
The site is hosted by : Orange 78, rue Olivier de Serres 75 015 Paris
Credits: The legal notices were generated by

2. Description of services provided:

The purpose of the site is to provide information on all the company’s activities. The site owner endeavours to ensure that the information provided is as accurate as possible. However, the owner shall not be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies or failure to update information on a timely basis, irrespective of whether these are attributable to itself or to third parties supplying the information.
All data offered on the site is provided for information only; it is not exhaustive, and may evolve further. The information is subject to change, to reflect developments since it was posted online.

3. Intellectual property and piracy:

The trademarks and logos shown on this site are registered trademarks of the Raigi company or their respective owners. Mention of them shall not be construed in any way as granting of a licence or right of use to the said trademarks, which cannot be used without the prior written consent of the trademark owner, use without such consent being deemed piracy. – such information may only be used for personal purposes and not for any commercial purposes; – such information may not be modified; – a copyright notice must be included on all copies of such information. Any other use which has not been expressly authorised through the prior written consent of Raigi is strictly prohibited.

4. Hyperlinks:

The websitecontains a number of hyperlinks to third-party sites (partners, information, etc.) which have been included with the authorisation of the site owner. However, the site owner has no way of verifying the content of the sites visited via these links and shall not therefore be held liable for any risks posed by illicit content on third-party sites.
L’utilisateur est informé que lors de ses visites sur le site, un ou des cookies sont susceptible de s’installer automatiquement sur son ordinateur. Un cookie est un fichier de petite taille, qui ne permet pas l’identification de l’utilisateur, mais qui enregistre des informations relatives à la navigation d’un ordinateur sur un site. Les données ainsi obtenues visent à faciliter la navigation ultérieure sur le site, et ont également vocation à permettre diverses mesures de fréquentation.

Le paramétrage du logiciel de navigation permet d’informer de la présence de cookie et éventuellement, de refuser de la manière décrite à l’adresse suivante :
Le refus d’installation d’un cookie peut entraîner l’impossibilité d’accéder à certains services. L’utilisateur peut toutefois configurer son ordinateur de la manière suivante, pour refuser l’installation des cookies :

Pour supprimer un cookie dans Google Chrome :
Dans la barre d'outils du navigateur, cliquez sur Plus.
Placez votre curseur sur Plus d'outils, puis cliquez sur Effacer les données de navigation.
Dans la fenêtre "Effacer les données de navigation", cochez les cases Cookies et données d'autres sites ou plug-in et Images et fichiers en cache.
Utilisez le menu en haut pour sélectionner la quantité de données que vous souhaitez supprimer. Sélectionnez Depuis le début pour tout supprimer.
Cliquez sur Effacer les données de navigation.

Pour supprimer un cookie dans Firefox :
Cliquez sur le bouton de menu, choisissez Historique, puis Effacer l'historique récent.
Dans le menu déroulant Intervalle à effacer, sélectionnez tout.
Cliquez sur la flèche près de Détails pour afficher le détail des éléments contenus dans l'historique.
Cochez la case Cookies et assurez-vous que les éléments que vous souhaitez conserver ne sont pas sélectionnés.
Cliquez sur Effacer maintenant pour supprimer tous les cookies et fermez la fenêtre « Supprimer l'historique récent ».

Pour supprimer un cookie dans Internet Explorer :
Sélectionnez le bouton Outils , pointez sur Sécurité, puis sélectionnez Supprimer l’historique de navigation.
Cochez la case Cookies et données de sites web, puis cliquez sur Supprimer.

5. Protection of property and persons – handling of personal data:

User: any internet user accessing the site with the URL:
In France, personal data is protected by the law no. 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, Article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code, and the EU Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995.

On the website, , the site owner records personal data relating to the user only as needed for certain services provided on the site. The user provides such information in full knowledge of the situation, specifically when voluntarily entering such information in forms on the site.
In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 ff of the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, to files, to rights and freedoms, each user has a right to access, correct, delete any data relating to his or her person or refuse to allow use of such personal data. To exercise this right, send a request to " by email to: webmaster's email or by a signed written letter accompanied by a copy of the user’s ID card showing the signature of the ID card holder, to be addressed to 11 rue de la Chapelle - 28310 Rouvray Saint Denis - FRANCE and indicating the address to which the answer should be directed.

No personal data relating to the user of the website is published without the knowledge of the user, nor is it exchanged, transferred, handed over or sold on any kind of data carrier to third parties. Only if the site and all rights to it were to be purchased from the owner could the said data be transferred to the possible buyer, who would in turn be under the same obligation to the user of the
The site has not been notified to CNIL (the French data protection authority) since the site does not itself collect personal data.

The databases are protected by the provisions of the French law of 1 July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 relative to the legal protection of databases into national law.