Our Commitment
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Our QSE policy
The Management Board of RAIGI has committed the company to a programme called PARSQE, an acronym of the French title meaning Plan of Action for Profitability, Safety, Quality and Environment. In going forward, RAIGI relies on:
- An Action Plan: Monitoring, setting targets, reviewing performance and charting a roadmap. All the management team follow this approach in implementing the Action Plan, which is itself reviewed and redefined three times a year.
- Profitability: our constant development is being pursued with due consideration for the fundamental stability of the enterprise. Since 2012, no dividends have been paid out to the shareholders, and each workshop has its own specific profitability tasks assigned to it. This has resulted in a substantial strengthening of our position in just a few years, in spite of an ambitious business development plan and the associated R&D expenditure and investments.
+ Quality
We are committed to continuously improving our processes and manufacturing standards.
+ Safety
RAIGI also lays great emphasis on the safety and well-being of its employees. We adapt the working hours of each employee as far as this is possible within the constraints of the company's operations. This is essential to ensure that our personnel, and especially the women, will be able to achieve a good balance between work and family life.
+ Environment
Concerning ISO 14001, the company is engaged in a rigorous programme to reduce its emissions.
+ Human
In line with ISO 26000, the enterprise also promotes the health and well-being of its employees.